We all want to feel we are important. One of the ways to communicate that to your significant other is to listen to her. That is a lot different from hearing her voice. Here are five practical steps Dr. Gary Smalley recommends in order to improve your listening skills. You will soon get to the heart of the matter, and that matters to her. Try them and notice how she appreciates your efforts.

  1. Make and keep eye contact. Few things assure your loved one that you are listening closely more than making eye contact. Without making it seem like you are staring through her, lock your eyes on hers and listen to what she has to say.
  2. Cease all other activity. When your loved one wants to talk to you — when she has something very important to talk to you about and needs your undivided attention — make sure you can do it in an atmosphere free of other activity.
  3. Let your loved one know you are being attentive. In addition to keeping eye contact, let her know that you are listening closely and attentively by acknowledging what she’s saying through head nods and other signs of attentiveness.
  4. Speak occasional words of agreement or understanding. While you listen to your loved one, it is good to interject words that communicate that you understand how that person feels. Simple statements such as, “I can see how you would feel that way,” or “I would feel the same way myself” can do much to communicate that you are listening with you heart.
  5. Ignore all interruptions. Sometimes a man and his loved one need to get to a place where there is no chance they will be interrupted so they can just talk. When you take the time to listen with your heart, try to do it where you won’t be interrupted.

How women say men can become experts at listening with their hearts:

This article was written by: Dr. Gary Smalley Issues I Face

Photo Credit: Johan Mouchet