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He used to lock me outside our house with no shoes or coat, rage at me for an hour or more, and make me doubt my sanity. When he hit me, it was the last straw.
I needed him to listen and show that he cared about how I felt – to look me in the eyes and be present so I’d know he had my back. But this wasn't something he knew how to do.
After a few years of policing, I began to crack. I was no longer easy-going and fun. I became an angry guy capable of hurting those that I loved the most.
I couldn’t give her the life she wanted. Maybe I wasn’t such a great catch for her after all; my broken past and messy life were smothering her.
The few times we were intimate it was mechanical and void of emotion on his part. Then it stopped all together. In a bizarre way, his distancing made facing his death a lot easier. He inadvertently prepared me for widowhood.
A few years into our marriage, I discovered that my husband had been sending sexually explicit emails to women he had met on the Internet. That was just the beginning.
Marriage takes two people who choose to work together in all areas of life.
In marriage, sex is supposed to feel safe, right? Often it is not for women.
Vive la difference! Do you as a couple embrace your differences or try to thwart them? You don't have to agree on everything to live in peace.
If you can avoid these four things, you marriage has a great chance of beating the odds.
Is it possible to have romance in between the diaper changing, 2 a.m. feedings, and sleep deprivation of being a parent?
Your marriage isn’t doomed to ending in divorce like your parents’, especially if you consider these points.
You may have some unmet expectations in your marriage. Many people do.
Many couples think porn will rev up their sex life. But it will actually deflate it instead.
Marriage is not a contest of wills or a tallying up of who does the most. If you see it that way, you both lose.
The way to a woman’s heart is to listen. Really listen. Here are some ways to improve your listening skills.
If you find yourself frustrated, stifled, pushed, or confused about your current relationship, take a look at your communication style.
I will never forget the Christmas party where I witnessed a family being torn apart.
Change is an inevitable part of life, like the ocean rolling to the shore. How do you face it? Do you try to stop it from happening or ride the wave?
It's really about the beauty of sacrifice.
Names are very important things. So when a woman gets married, deciding to change it can be a complicated and difficult decision.
Sometimes in order to run the household smoothly, you need to have a business meeting.
The closer two people become, the more important it is to set firm boundaries. It’s the loving thing to do.
Feelings are not the best foundation for marriage. However, feelings, or the lack of them, can affect your marriage. You need to address them together.
We all chat online with friends. But what should we do if your mate crosses the line and actually pursues people of the opposite sex online?
Should husbands and wives spend all their leisure time together? Read why that may or may not be a good idea.
Most guys are not into romance. Especially once you have caught her and slipped the ring on her finger. Deed done, right? Maybe not.
Part of a working relationship is making decisions together. But doing that successfully depends on how each of you see the relationship.
Women are now more and more into porn. Even Married women. Why?
If you are together as a couple for any length of time, you will have conflict. It’s all about two personalities with their experiences, emotional baggage, perceptions, and feelings learning to coexist. But, unless you learn how to argue fairly, conflicts can make or break your relationship.
It may seem old-fashioned to write a letter and mail it. Yet, the last time you got something in the mail besides ads and bills, wasn't it special?
If you are feeling jealous, there are probably other feelings to address first.
Can a lost connection be restored?
If your spouse says they need “space,” then maybe you have been taking up too much of it.
Using guilt as a weapon may get you what you want in the short term, but it is a dangerous tactic that will undermine your relationship and rob you of intimacy with your partner. Rid your relationship of guilt once and for all.
We all can get into a rut, even in our marriages. We slide in them, without realizing how deeply stuck we are. Here are some tips on pushing your marriage back onto the road to bliss.
Movies and romance novels proclaim we will live happily ever when we find our true love. But once you find them, how do you keep them? When the rubber meets the road, maybe we need more than love to keep a relationship vital and flourishing. Or perhaps we need to redefine what love is.
We are all aware of the physical risks associated with multiple sex partners, but could these choices also put you at risk for heartache?
It turns out most men don't want a housemaid-partner. They want a self-sufficient, secure, confident woman, plus 5 more things.
I thought I was emotionally self-aware — that is, until my wife and I went to marriage counselling. I went in there expecting the session to help fix my wife and her feelings, but it turned into a discussion about why I had isolated myself from my own emotions.
They say that when you marry someone, you marry their entire family. There’s a lot of truth in that. How can you adjust without losing who you are?
Everyone wants intimacy in a relationship, but at times a little distance can be a good thing.
So, your partner no longer seems that keen on sex, and it's definitely not sizzling like it use to. You may be inadvertently sabotaging your own sex life.
Do you live under the same roof but feel a million miles away from the person you married? Is there little or no emotional support between you? There is hope. To move forward, you’ll need to understand what factors have eroded your intimacy and what you can do as a couple to rebuild your lost intimacy.
"So often I hear about how much men need sex, but my husband has no interest in sex. The only time we make love is when I initiate it. Is there something wrong with me? Why doesn’t my husband want me?"
No one wants to hear those words. So what should we do when we do?
When a marriage is sexless because one partner simply does not want sex, it can lead to deep hurt for the other partner. They can feel unattractive, unwanted, and ultimately unloved. "Do they still love me?" They might wonder.
You'd be surprised at what really goes on in the mind of your man. This wisdom was discovered by interviewing more than a thousand men. It turns out that sex isn't the only thing on their minds.
People are complex, broken beings; therefore, previous hurts, fears or losses can impede their determination to trust and/or be truthful in a relationship. But, people have the capacity and the ability to change and to grow in trust and truthfulness.
I felt like it was my job to be the hero and save my damsel in distress. What else are husbands supposed to do anyway? I would offer solutions. Or give advice. Or try to cheer her up. Well, it didn't work! But what I learned sure does.
In spite of all the tricks we use to try and impress someone in the early stages of dating, intimacy is founded on knowing and being known. Do your actions and words communicate to your partner that it's safe for him to reveal his vulnerabilities to you?
We all notice attractive people, but when does a glance become a stare? And when does a stare lead to flirtation, or worse? If he freely looks when you are with him, how bold is he when you are not present?
Before we got married, sex was great. We used to have sex at least once per day. Within a week after the marriage he began to lose interest in it. Now it is once per week or once every 2 weeks, and when we do it it doesn’t seem like he wants to.
My husband and I have been separated for a while now and he is thinking of returning home. On one hand I want him to, and on the other I am not sure because of many fears I have. What would be your advice in handling this?
You think flowers will smooth things over, then she gives you that pout or sigh. What did you do wrong now? Men, despite what the commercials lead you to believe, you may not know what she needs after all.
How many times do you really listen to what someone is saying? Sure, you hear them. But does your brain absorb what their words mean? Is what they are saying important to you, or are you already formulating your response?
You expect your love will last forever. It is so intense, it steals your breath. You can’t imagine life without each other. Love is all you need, right? Nope. Just because you are in love doesn't necessarily mean you are compatible enough to walk through life together.
Today, men and women work, play, and live in close proximity to each other. It’s important for every married couple to set some clear boundaries in terms of relationships with the opposite sex.
Trust takes time and effort, is easily broken, and hard to restore — but if you’re willing to work at it, the reward is the relationship you’ve always dreamed of.
You can’t help but take it personally if your wife doesn't respond to your amorous gestures. But, her reaction probably has very little to do with her attraction to you and a whole lot to do about where she is right now in life. Even if “let’s talk” makes you cringe, maybe it's time to do just that.
Discovering your husband is checking out porn can be a gut-punch. It is a violation of trust so it is no wonder if you feel betrayed, angry, or hurt. Or maybe right now you are just numb and bewildered. Here is the good news. The two of you can get beyond this. Other couples have.
I want to get married, but I am afraid of losing my friends. I know of many people who have lost their friends after being married. Please explain to me why people, especially women, lose their friends after marriage?
A man who can cry is a man who has learned some secrets about intimacy. But sadly, for many men, something tragic or life-changing must occur before they understand this truth.
"He did agree to go to marriage counseling with me, but he says that he is going to go just to help me understand why he’s leaving. Is there any hope for us at all?
Babies are wonderful ― let’s be clear about that ― but they are also one of the biggest changes a marriage will ever go through. Like all aspects of parenthood, it helps to be prepared.
When her eyes light up excitement zips across your body into your heart. The connection is intense. So why is it so much harder to get there now than when you first dated?
Sometimes, a little chemistry begins to develop between a man and a woman at work. But that exciting connection can quickly become a slippery slope.