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The one person who I assumed considered me unique, irreplaceable, and desirable was choosing to channel his sexual energy towards a screen instead of me.
For the entire two years I was trapped in my destructive addiction, I didn't know even one female who also struggled with it.
The intimacy porn promised was proving to be an illusion. I was trapped, wanting the fix without the consequences – the pleasure without feeling ashamed.
As the years went on, the fight for purity in our relationship only got more and more difficult.
I haven’t been myself, my true healthy self in a long time now.
Addictions are rarely overcome alone. Take steps to combat porn addiction today.
Many couples think porn will rev up their sex life. But it will actually deflate it instead.
Many people view porn as harmless, fun and stimulating. They may be cheating themselves of the whole experience.
Why is watching porn addictive? Does this mean it is not good? Yes, and like any addiction it’s going to take effort to break it.
Women are now more and more into porn. Even Married women. Why?
Douglas Weiss (Ph.D.) answers some of the most common questions about sex addiction: What is it? What's the difference between being addicted and just having a high sex drive? Can people be addicted to masturbation? He offers his expertise to answer these and other crucial questions to help struggling individuals and marriages.
Discovering your husband is checking out porn can be a gut-punch. It is a violation of trust so it is no wonder if you feel betrayed, angry, or hurt. Or maybe right now you are just numb and bewildered. Here is the good news. The two of you can get beyond this. Other couples have.