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At first it was a game to us, a kind of joke. We made a lot of money, got drunk, did drugs. We thought it was fun. But it all escalated really quickly.
As the years went on, the fight for purity in our relationship only got more and more difficult.
It was the need for sex that prompted my reckless drinking. That way I wouldn’t remember the deplorable things I had done to gain the attention of a guy.
The few times we were intimate it was mechanical and void of emotion on his part. Then it stopped all together. In a bizarre way, his distancing made facing his death a lot easier. He inadvertently prepared me for widowhood.
Soon after I turned 15, one night on the swings at the park, he kissed me for the first time. Then everything escalated.
A few years into our marriage, I discovered that my husband had been sending sexually explicit emails to women he had met on the Internet. That was just the beginning.
Sexual abuse (definition): forcing you to do or see something of a sexual nature against your will.
4 ways to keep your dating relationship respectable.
In marriage, sex is supposed to feel safe, right? Often it is not for women.
You may have some unmet expectations in your marriage. Many people do.
Many couples think porn will rev up their sex life. But it will actually deflate it instead.
Many people view porn as harmless, fun and stimulating. They may be cheating themselves of the whole experience.
I feel so betrayed by both of them. What should I do?
The possible consequences of sex can be a source of fear.
There's one conversation every parent and teen dreads. If we as parents understand the teen’s mindset, it can be a lot easier.
Women are now more and more into porn. Even Married women. Why?
We are all aware of the physical risks associated with multiple sex partners, but could these choices also put you at risk for heartache?
Parents can’t assume their kids will develop healthy sexual habits through exposure to sex-saturated media. We need to talk to them about our morals and views even if it feels uncomfortable to broach the topic
To get the most out of sex, look beyond the physical. Communication affects your total life. Your total life affects the sex you have.
So, your partner no longer seems that keen on sex, and it's definitely not sizzling like it use to. You may be inadvertently sabotaging your own sex life.
"So often I hear about how much men need sex, but my husband has no interest in sex. The only time we make love is when I initiate it. Is there something wrong with me? Why doesn’t my husband want me?"
When a marriage is sexless because one partner simply does not want sex, it can lead to deep hurt for the other partner. They can feel unattractive, unwanted, and ultimately unloved. "Do they still love me?" They might wonder.
Before we got married, sex was great. We used to have sex at least once per day. Within a week after the marriage he began to lose interest in it. Now it is once per week or once every 2 weeks, and when we do it it doesn’t seem like he wants to.
Douglas Weiss (Ph.D.) answers some of the most common questions about sex addiction: What is it? What's the difference between being addicted and just having a high sex drive? Can people be addicted to masturbation? He offers his expertise to answer these and other crucial questions to help struggling individuals and marriages.
You can’t help but take it personally if your wife doesn't respond to your amorous gestures. But, her reaction probably has very little to do with her attraction to you and a whole lot to do about where she is right now in life. Even if “let’s talk” makes you cringe, maybe it's time to do just that.
"I am 25 years old. I am worrying about sex with my boyfriend. He doesn’t like to use condoms and persuades me that it is safe if we just interrupt sex, but I am always afraid of pregnancy.... I feel very confused."